I've been trying my hardest, but it's not good enough. I am willing to go through the game to get that myself if I have to, although having that stuff from the go does make it easier for trying to figure out if your modding right right away. Kind of key feature, having all the stuff unlocked. Key feature, being able to play the game from the start, without having to to go through crazy install methods, yadayadayada ect ect ect, I just want a version where I don't have to go through crack setups and such. But there are certain fields, I can't do apparently, even though they seem so simple.) (There is a way to get th files, but it requires using a certain program to extraxt them, and I tried many years ago, and I couldn't get it to work worth a ding dong. Those are the folders that contain the model data and such. You'll know when you've found one with the models open for swaping when there is a folder called "xfile"(And I swear, if anyone makes a comment on a certain show.) and inside are folders called "em" "ectmodel" "evm" "obj" "sub" "tex" and "wep". Key detail, being able to mod the models right from the start.

So therefore, that mod is out, but I'll list in detail what I'm looking for, so you'll know when you've found the right one. If anything they looked worse.(Mostly because they had these weird little lines.) And it doesn't even actually run right on my PC, and the mods in that don't look none to high res to me. The only version I was able to get running, was called the "Ultimate Edition (High Resolution)" and the areas to mod the models are open in that one, but things were changed so much, I can't mod it. I need a version that will run without the disk, and already has the skins open for modding, but aren't modded already. One was sort of the version I needed, but main problem, it was an already super modified version, thus actually making it rather impossible for me to even mod with the skins I've found.īasic rundown of the requirements I need, to help narrow it the search. Well, could someone possibly find me a fully playable version of Resident Evil 4? I tried the torrents I could find, but no dice.